our team
Creato is run by a team with diverse backgrounds and creative disciplines who care deeply about art, creativity and the Latine community.
If you’d like to get involved, apply below or send us a note to info@crea-to.com
Fiorella Martinez
Co-Founder from El Salvador
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Fiorella (she/her) is a Freelance Art Director/Designer based in Toronto. She’s from El Salvador and moved to Toronto to attend OCADU and has been living here ever since. Since graduating, she’s worked full time in several Advertising and PR agencies but most recently she’s decided to go freelance. She’s a multidisciplinary maker and is always up for learning a new skill. For her, Creato is the intersection of 3 things she’s deeply passionate about: creativity, community service, and her Latinx identity.
Valeria Duarte
Project Managment & Development, from Colombia
Dennis Espino Maravillo
Designer, from El Salvador
Kimberly Cortez
Copywriter, from Ecuador
Amelia Lara
Co-Founder from Dominican Republic
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Amelia (she/her) is a Toronto-based web/graphic designer with a true passion for human-centered design & social good. She worked in an award-winning social enterprise as the lead brand, marketing, and communications manager for 6+ years, perfectly aligning her with entrepreneurs, creative professionals, and purpose-driven organizations/companies.
Andrea Pineda
Social Media Director, from El Salvador
Dixy Valdez
Special Projects, El Salvador
Bernarda Avila
Event Volunteer, from Ecuador
Fernanda Sierra Suárez
Co-Founder from Mexico
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Fernanda (she/her) is an arts worker and interdisciplinary artist born in México and based in Tkaronto. She has fulfilled a variety of roles in the culture sector producing, developing and facilitating initiatives and campaigns that promote the value of arts in community-building. She is passionate about social justice education and youth empowerment through artistic and cultural practices and brings that to her work in Culture Days National and Creato.
Luz Paczka
Operations, Mexico & Colombia
Fiorella Campodonico
Special Projects, from Peru
Luísa Cruz
Grant Clinic Operations, from Brazil
volunteer with us
We are always looking for new volunteers. If you are interested in applying, just fill in the form below and we will get back to you once we review it!