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Evergreen Brick Works Día de Muertos

Creato is curating an interactive Community Ofrenda at Evergreen Brick Works Día de Muertos Celebration and we’re looking for community stories 🧡

🌎 Our digital ofrenda installation will showcase visuals (photos, artwork, videos) and voice recordings submitted by (you!) members of the Latin community to commemorate loved ones as part of the Día de Muertos tradition, and highlight its various cultural traditions across Latin America and the Caribbean.

⭐ To participate, fill in this form
🗓️ Submissions are due October 16th.

🖍️In addition to this digital installation, we will also be hosting a family-friendly in-person Artmaking Activity where participants’ creations will be added in real-time to the communal and growing ofrenda installation the day of the event.

However you choose to participate, we hope to create an ofrenda that reflects the heart of the Día de Muertos tradition 💀🧡 🍂

October 4

LAMAS (Latin American Media Arts Symposium )

December 16

MERCADITO: A Latin Holiday Market